Welcome to Our Website
St. Michael’s Angling Association manages stretches of The River Wyre and shares stretches of The River Lune on behalf of our Members.
We also provide Wyre Day Tickets for Adults and Juniors which you can easily order through this website.
Please send newsworthy details of your own experiences on club waters so that they can be incorporated in regularly updated river reports.
If you catch a particularly good specimen from Wyre or Lune club stretches take a good photo and send it in. Details included might be: Date and time of capture, stretch of river and method used. You will not be expected to give away your favourite pool or bait if you don’t want to. You will, however be helping to make the website more dynamic and interesting through your input.

Fishing Seasons
Salmon Open season in England Ribble & Wyre for Salmon 1st Feb to 31st Oct.
Migratory Trout 1st April to 30th September
The annual close season:
* for salmon is 1 November to 31 January
* for Sea-trout migratory trout is 1 October to 31 March
* for non-migratory Brown trout (not including rainbow trout) is 1 October to 31st March
* for freshwater fish and eels – national byelaws apply
* River Ribble
* You must not kill more than 2 salmon from 16 June to 31 October.
From 15 March to 15 June in rivers, streams and those parts of rivers that have been canalised for navigation:
* There is no requirement to have a rod licence for sea angling, except when fishing for salmon or sea trout.
Types of licences and rod limits
Trout, coarse fish and eel licence
This lets you fish non-migratory trout and all freshwater fish.