This is an easy fly to tie and represents most common insects, it differs from the English version by having a thorax with a grey feather slip over its head representing a wing case. Tie it on 14s & 16s and on a longer hook size say a 12s it represents those longer bodied damsels/& stoneflies it really is a good general nymph you can even tie it with a bead at the front to get down quick to the bottom.

This is the bead version above. Brown thread Hares Ear Mask Fur ribbing Gold medium, or medium tinsel gold or gold medium wire wound anti clockwise so not to dig in and hide itself plus wound the opposite way to the dubbing helps hold the dubbing in place whilst sitting on the surface of the bodie showing off the glitter. START BY READING THROUGH FIRST. Long hair fibres for tail as picture start by winding 5 millimetres of brown thread 3mm from eye end this is to allow enough room for the wing case to be tied down plus a neat brown thread head. then add fine lead wire wind back towards eye covering thread, then varnish over wire then cover with thread till lead covered and secure. This should have given you a bulge for the thorax then wind thread down towards bend stop with thread hanging plumb with barb tie in tail as picture secure with thread towards thorax. Then attach gold ribbing and wind thread back to end of hook where tail is secured lightly varnish threaded body this will help secure dubbing then wax thread and pinch a mixture of dark & light fur dubbit onto thread not to thickly then wind down towards head two turns to secure dubbing, then wind ribbing down in opposite direction to the dubbing this should allow wire to hold dubbing try to keep equal spacing 3 or 4 depending on body length tie wire off behind head. At this point cut 6mm of grey wing slip it can be anything gull pidgin it doesn’t matter attaching top of head with slip pointing towards the back of the hook because your going to build the head up with dubbing then bring the slip over the head to form a wing case leave enough room behind the eye to tie off & form a neat brown head. Don’t worry if your first one doesn’t please you just remember keep your winds to a minimum and less dubbing is better moisten fingers before twisting fibres.

Dawl Bach Gold Ribbed Hares Ear, Brown thread five turns of fine lead wire under thorax bright gold ribbing anything wire or tinsel mixture of guard hairs and fur from mask grey slip of feather on top for wing case anything grey.
Tie on 14s &16s fish just sub surface or deeper for best results.