Spinning A technique where a spinning lure is used to entice the fish to bite.
Lure Fishing A fishing lure is a type of artificial fishing bait which is designed to attract a fish’s attention. The lure uses movement, vibration, flash and colour to bait fish.
Spinning rods will be designed to go with specific reels. So, I would recommend that you go into your local fishing store to ensure you get the rod that you need or chat with Mike Lonsdale, who is SMAA registered instructor. Mike has years of experience to share and he can point you in the right direction.
Spinning Reel
· If you have not purchased your spinning reel, you should first research what kind of reel will suit your needs, go into your local fishing store to ensure you get the rod that you need or chat with Mike Lonsdale, who is SMAA registered instructor. Mike has years of experience to share and he can point you in the right direction.
There are many different types of lines & braid on the market today, I would advise speaking with Mike Lonsdale for further advice to ensure the set up is balanced for the type of fishing you intend to do.
Seek advice from Mike Lonsdale. there are numerous types for different fishing styles
What fish could I catch when Spinning or Lure Fishing?
The British record for Chub is 9lbs 05ozs 00 grams and was established in 2007 in a southern stillwater.
This fish has a thick set, long body with dark edged scales and a relatively large mouth. The pale orange anal fin is convex, making the Chub easily distinguishable from other young fish of a similar appearance.
The Chub can grow up to 9 lb and over 20″ long.
The Chub habitat is rivers but has been introduced successfully in still waters where it thrives and grows larger than its river counterpart. It breeds during May and June. Breeding males bear white tubercles during the breeding season.
The Chub is best fished for in late winter and can be taken on cheese, bread flake, grubs, slugs and Worms. During February and March the Chub concentrates on Rudd fry.
The life expectancy of a Chub is over 30 years.
PERCH. (Perca fluviatillis).
The British record for Perch is 05lbs 15ozs 08dms and was established in 2006 in a still water in Sussex.
This handsome fish is olive green with six or seven dark vertical stripes with ventral red fins. Its tail is rather small but it can cruise quite fast for long periods. It’s one of the most aggressive predators found in the U.K. Perch of 2 lb. and above are considered specimen fish.
Small Perch feed in shoals but start to chase small fish when they reach about 4 oz.
The Perch inhabits Lakes and slow moving rivers providing cover. Perch are a small predatory fish and have dark vertical stripes, which blends in with the weed and reeds. Best bait is Worms, Small live or dead bait fish. Spinning with small lures is a popular and successful method of catching large Perch. Try lobworm, casters and maggots as a ground bait and hook bait.
Perch spawn among marginal weeds between April & June. They take four years to reach maturity. Females lay about 100,000 eggs per pound of their body weight.
The Perch has an average lifespan of about 13 years.
Large Perch can be tempted on bunches of lob worm sometimes large coarse pellets.
PIKE. (Esox lucius).
The British record for the Pike is 46lbs 13ozs 00 grams (21.234 kilo’s) was established in February 1992.
‘Esox’ is the Latin name for ‘Pike’. ‘Lucius’ derived from the Latin ‘wolf’.
Usually 18 to 30″ long but can grow to 50″ long and reach 40 lbs.
The long body of the pike is covered with golden green bands and greenish brown spots. The dorsal fin is as far back as the anal fin, both fins are near the tail. The pike has a broad head with a pointed snout.
The Pike inhabits rivers and lakes, its first-class camouflage and size contribute to the pike’s success in different habitats. They prefer weedy corners for shelter and grow big when food is plentiful. A monster of 72 lb was captured in the 18th. Century.
Pike will eat most species of freshwater fish, as well as water rats, water birds and frogs.
Spawning takes place early Spring in March early April in quiet shallows; the smaller Pike lay their eggs first followed by the larger fish. For each pound of the female’s weight between 10 to 20 thousand eggs are laid, so a big female can lay 480,000 eggs.
Pike can live between 10 to 26 years, specimens 17 years old have been caught in the Thames.
Brown trout (Salmo trutta)
The brown trout is a European species of salmonid fish that has been widely introduced into suitable environments globally. It includes both purely freshwater populations, referred to as the riverine ecotype or Salmo trutta morpha fario and a lacustrine ecotype, S. trutta morpha lacustris, also called the lake trout,[3][4] as well as anadromous forms known as the sea trout, S. truttamorpha trutta. The latter migrates to the oceans for much of its life and returns to fresh water only to spawn.[5] Sea trout in the UK and Ireland have many regional names, including sewin (Wales), finnock (Scotland), peal (West Country), mort (North West England), and white trout (Ireland).
Salmon (Salmo salar) The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. It is found in the northern Atlantic Ocean, in rivers that flow into the north Atlantic and, due to human introduction, in the north Pacific Ocean. Atlantic salmon have long been the target of recreational and commercial fishing, and this, as well as habitat destruction, has reduced their numbers significantly; the species is the subject of conservation efforts in several countries
Sea trout (Salmo trutta morpha trutta) Sea trout is the common name usually applied to anadromous (or sea-run) forms of brown trout (Salmo trutta), and is often referred to as Salmo trutta morpha trutta. Other names for anadromous brown trout are sewen (Wales), peel or peal (SW England), mort (NW England), finnock (Scotland), white trout (Ireland) and salmon trout (culinary).[2] The term sea trout is also used to describe other anadromous salmonids—coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus alpinus), cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and Dolly Varden (Salvenlinus malma).[3] Even some non-salmonid species are also commonly known as sea trout—Northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) and members of the weakfish family(Cynoscion).[3].